Well, we're off again! After 7 months of living with the Holden's, saving up like crazy and planning to within an inch of our lives, we are now ready to embark on a 3 month trip visiting India and South East Asia. Our aim is to learn more, experience more, challenge ourselves more and come back with a greater perspective on life.
We've got some exciting things planned, including a four day horse trek through Rajasthan at the end of our visit through Northern India, a climb of over 4000 metres up Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia, feeding the Orangutans in the rainforest of Borneo and visiting some of the world's most iconic structures including the Taj Mahal and Ankor Wat. To recover from this "terrible" ordeal we plan to recover by cruising the islands and beaches of Southern Thailand. See the itinerary for our full schedule.
The purpose of this blog is to act as a diary for ourselves, to capture the memories, emotions and senses that photos alone can't, as well as allow our friends and family to keep tabs on us. Invaluable, if they don't want to be bored to death with 3 months of tales from our travels, as well as a 7 hour photo slide show!
It's a long time to be away, so if you enjoy reading our blog, please do comment on our posts so we can feel like we have contact from home (no criticisms of our spelling and grammar from my teacher friends please).
Happy reading and keep in touch.
Sonja and Rob x